Pathologic diagnosis of zoonotic parasitosis in slaughter pigs in Brazil.

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Autoria: MORES, M. A. Z.; MORES, N.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. R.; KICH, J. D.

Resumo: Brazil is the fourth largest swine producer and pork exporter in the world, the slaughter under the federal meat inspection service achieved 37 million pigs in 2017 ( Brazilian meat inspection system is under a modernization process and new procedures are just standardized and regulated for pigs reared in farms submitted to health animal service rules. In order to supply the risk analysis for meat inspection modernization, several studies on zoonotic hazards were conducted in Brazil last years. This one was focused on zoonotic parasitosis once that in sanitary post mortem examination, the inspectors can identify lesions compatible with cysticercosis (Satyaprakash et al., 2018), hydatidosis (De La Rue, 2008) and sarcosporidiosis (Zainalabidin, et al., 2017). Cysticercosis is caused by metacestodes of Taenia solium. Primarily, cysticercosis is an infection of pigs that act as an intermediate host of T. solium. Pigs are infected by ingestion of contaminated water, soil or feed with the eggs of Taenia solium expelled from tapeworm carriers. The eggs develop into cysticerci in various organs and musculature causing porcine cysticercosis characterized by small round whitish viscous cyst (7 to 15 mm), located mainly in the lingual muscles, masseters, heart and diaphragm (Satyaprakash et al. 2018). Cystic echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the genus Echinococcus (Cestoda: Taeniidae). Pigs are considered important intermediate hosts of the larval stage by eggs ingestion from contaminated environment with feces of definitive host. The intermediated host develops hydatid cysts in the liver and the parasite cycle can be complete if a definitive host ingest this organ without a heat treatment (De La Rue, 2008). Sarcosporidiosis is a disease caused by cyst forming coccidian, namely, Sarcocystis spp. Pigs can be infected when consuming food contaminated with fecal material of carnivores containing the sporocysts of Sarcocystis spp. The whitish filamentous, spindleshaped, rice-grain-like, macrocyst-forming sarcocyst has been observed in the muscles of pigs, mainly in the heart, tongue and diaphragm (Zainalabidin, et al., 2017). The aim of this study was to validate the macroscopic diagnosis of these lesions detected by veterinary inspection service using histopathology analysis.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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