Evaluation of the efficiency of novel orally administered subunit vaccine to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella in swine under field conditions.

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Resumo: Control of Salmonella sp. in swine production undergoes a systemic vision of the problem, and an integrated program focused on the main stages of production. Control measures at the stage of primary animal production are required for a reduction in the number of carrier and shedders animals that reach slaughter. Among the various tools available, vaccination is a traditional and consolidated concept in preventive veterinary medicine. Salmonella sp. has on its surface large antigenic molecules (immunodominant molecules), membrane LPS, which are easily recognized by the immune system, and are the target of most line vaccines. These molecules tend to be specific to a particular serovar and / or serogroup (Arguello et al., 2012), and vaccines offering limited protection against heterologous serovars (Bearson et al., 2016). To contribute to the solution of this problem, the aim of this research was to evaluate a subunit vaccine, based on secondary antigens, where a common genetic sequence for all Salmonella sp. was cloned into an expression plasmid, and inserted into Bacillus subtilis, which produced subunits (peptides) that were incorporated by microparticles, composing the mucosal vaccine. In order to be effective in controlling any serovar of Salmonella enterica (broad spectrum).

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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