Genetic structure and diversity of native Guadua species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in natural populations of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

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Autoria: SILVA, S. M. M.; MARTINS, K.; COSTA, F. H. S.; CAMPOS, T. de; PEREIRA, J. E. S.

Resumo: The Southwestern Region of the Brazilian Amazon is formed by forests dominated by bamboos. The genus Guadua is endemic to the Americas, and little is known about the genetic diversity and structure of species of this genus. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and structure of two native Guadua species in natural populations in the Southwestern region of the Brazilian Amazon. Therefore, the genetic diversity and structure of Guadua aff. chaparensis and Guadua aff. lynnclarkiae were evaluated with the use of microsatellite molecular markers (SSR). It was verified that the average genetic diversity for the populations studied was considered high (^He=0.5) compared to other species of bamboo. All populations had rare and private alleles, and none of them presented significant values of inbreeding. The populations were divergent (^GST = 0.46), resulting in a low apparent gene flow. The Bayesian analysis showed that among the 350 individuals analyzed, five groups (K=5) were formed, with little similarity among the groups (Populations), although two of them presented clonal individuals. According to the results obtained, it can be conclude that populations should be treated as having unique characteristics, mainly when accessed for management and for in situ and ex situ conservation studies.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Acre


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