Challenges for a country without poverty.

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Autoria: WANDELLI, E. V.; ABREU, L. S. de; TAVARES, E. D.; SIQUEIRA, E. R.

Resumo: Despite the reduction of extreme poverty in Brazil, in the last decade, inequality persists in the country. Hunger has been overcome as an endemic problem but there are still populations that experience food shortages and need increased schooling. The level of inequality in Brazil can and must be changed, and for that, it is necessary to widen access not only to goods but also to public services that ensure population dignity. Actions to reduce poverty are essential in order to achieve sustainable development. The present and the future require the recognition of rights and the fulfi llment of duties. Innovation in both family farming and agribusiness is strategically inserted in the management of Embrapa to deliver technological solutions and expertise to continue transforming the different Brazilian realities and contribute to the end of poverty.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Palavras-chave: Pobreza


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