Indications géographiques des vins du Brésil: structuration et valorisation de la oroduction dans les territoires du vin.
Indications géographiques des vins du Brésil: structuration et valorisation de la oroduction dans les territoires du vin.
Resumo: Brazil has a vast land area, which includes a diversity of areas potentially suitable for wine production. However, until the 1970s, asingle wine region (Serra Gaúcha, in Rio Grande do Sul) accounted for almost all Brazilian wine production. Since then and up to thepresent day, vine cultivation has expanded. Currently, the map of Brazilian wine regions is more complex, with at least eight productioncentres. There are also a large number of wine-growing companies spread over many municipalities in the country, which are importantbecause they may be the embryo of new wine-growing regions. The transformations that have taken place in the production regionshave also extended to wines. There are currently around 1 200 wineries in the country, in at least fourteen states of the federation,which produce mainly still wines (red, white and rosé) and sparkling wines (traditional and muscat). This article underlines the essenceof Brazilian fine wine production by region, considering the cultivated varieties and the characteristics of the main types and styles ofwine produced in each of thems.
Ano de publicação: 2020
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Uva e Vinho
Palavras-chave: Brasil, Indicações geográficas (IG), Vinhos do Brasil
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