Zero hunger: contributions of Embrapa.

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Autoria: MEDEIROS, C. A. B.; BUENO, Y. M.; SA, T. D. de A.; VIDAL, M. C.; ESPINDOLA, J. A. A.

Resumo: This publication presents a sample of the work developed by Embrapa in its contribution to SDG 2, Zero Hunger, and what the perspectives and obstacles are to progress in overcoming the serious problem of hunger and malnutrition, as well as the reduction of the impacts caused by agricultural activity on the environment. The space is certainly insufficient for the work of all the teams engaged in the theme presented, but it gives an idea to society of the effort of Embrapa and commitment to the transformation of the current reality and the overcoming of it, which is one of the greatest challenges of our century.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Livros


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