Reduced inequalities: contributions of Embrapa.

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Autoria: DIAS, T. A. B.; UDRY, M. C. F. V.; HEBERLE, A. L. O.; NOGUEIRA, J. D.

Resumo: For more than 40 years, offering information, knowledge and technology, Embrapa has contributed to the innovation and sustainability of agriculture, reduced inequalities and food insecurity. Embrapa adapts its research to the reality of small-scale producers, innovating in diverse social and environmental contexts, supporting productive inclusion, income generation and improving the quality of life of rural workers, their cooperatives and associations. Embrapa extends it activities in the promotion of agroecology and organic production, strengthening environmentally sustainable agricultural systems in several territories and biomes. The detailing of research results and managerial actions, regarding reduced inequalities, can be found in the chapters of SDG 10. These are topics related to targets 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3, for income generation, empowerment and social inclusion of the poorest, regardless of gender or social and ethnic group and the interface with public policies.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Livros


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