Physical and chemical characteristics of fruits from different orange canopy/rootstock combinations grown in the brazilian semiarid.

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Autoria: SANTOS, L. M.; OLIVEIRA, D. B. de; CALGARO, M.; FERREIRA, P. P. B.; MENDONÇA, A. V. R.; SILVA, S. de O. e; CHAVES, A. R. de M.

Resumo: The orange tree combination ?Pera? x ?Cravo? lemon has prevailed in the national territory, and new orange rootstock combinations have been developed in citrus breeding programs in order to provide the productive sector with new alternatives. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of fruits from different orange canopy/rootstock combinations grown in the Brazilian semiarid. The experimental design was in randomized blocks in a factorial scheme with three canopy and four rootstock cultivars, with three replications. The orange canopies cultivars used were ?Pera,? ?Natal,? and ?Sincorá?, while the rootstock cultivars were ?Santa Cruz? Cravo lemon, the ?Sunki Tropical? tangerine selection, and the citrandarins ?Indio? and ?Riverside?. The results showed that the factors acted independently on fruit mass and diameter, number of seeds, juice yield, peel and pulp lightness, pulp chroma and hue angle, oBrix, and acid contents. However, it was different on peel thickness, peel chroma and hue angle, and SS/TA ratio. It was possible to conclude that the cultivar ?BRS 002?Sincorá? showed the best results for the physical and chemical analyses, while the ?Santa Cruz? Cravo lemon and the ?Sunki Tropical? tangerine selection influenced the best results in the physical and chemical analysis of the canopies, respectively. All combinations resulted in low juice yield.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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