Rapid protocol to evaluate the photoprotective effect of film-forming formulations on mangoes.

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Autoria: ARAÚJO, A. N. F.; BRITTO, D. de

Resumo: Sunburn is responsible for significant losses in post-harvest and has motivated studies to diminish its effect on different types of cultivars. Thus, the present study proposes a rapid protocol to evaluate the photoprotective effect of suppressive formulations. The experiment consisted in placing fruits (mango) covered with different suppressor formulations about 7 centimeters from an incandescent source and measuring the surface temperature variation employing a thermometer and thermal camera. The formulations were based on a filmogenic polysaccharide (galactomannan) and reflective additives (hydroxyapatite, montmorillonite and bentonite clays). The best result was achieved with a coating with bentonite as an additive, which showed a statistical difference in temperature (43.3±2.1 °C) compared with the control (52.1±3.0 °C) and the standard kaolinite coating (39.4±1.7 °C). Thus, it was proven the viability of the protocol as well as of the alternative formulations in to reduce the sunburn effect. This contributes to solution for the establishment of the Tropical Agriculture.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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