Beverage quality of Coffea canephora genotypes in the western Amazon, Brazil.

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Autoria: MORAIS, J. A. de; ROCHA, R. B.; ALVES, E. A.; ESPINDULA, M. C.; TEIXEIRA, A. L.; SOUZA, C. A. de

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the beverage quality of Coffea canephora genotypes in different environments of the western Amazon to assist plant selection and new cultivar development. To analyze beverage quality, samples of cherry coffee beans were collected separately for each genotype from clonal competition trials installed in the municipalities of Ouro Preto do Oeste, Alta Floresta do Oeste, Porto Velho, and Ariquemes in Rondônia State and Rio Branco in Acre State (Brazil). The beverage quality was assessed using the Robusta Cupping Protocol, which attribute to each genotype a score in a range from 0 to 100, highlighting nuances. Analysis of variance and principal components using reference points were used to quantify genotype x environment interaction (G x E). The analysis of variance indicated that genotypic and G x E interaction effects were significant (p < 0.01). By using a centroid dispersion method, we could identify four clones of low, eight of specific (to favorable or unfavorable environments), and seven of broad adaptability to the environments. The clones BRS 2314, 11, and 17 had average quality scores above 80 in all environments, with potential for specialty coffee production. The clones BRS 1216, BRS 3220, and BRS 3193 presented unstable behavior, with beans of higher quality in some of the evaluated environments. Such inconsistency in clone behavior is caused by unpredictable changes in plant performance in different environments. Our results indicate that both genotypic (clones) and G x E interaction effects are important for the expression of coffee beverage quality. However, the clones BRS 3213, BRS 3210, and BRS 2299 had less prominent nuances, with lower potential for specialty coffee production.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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