SCIENCE panel for the Amazon: Amazon assessment report 2021: executive summary.

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Resumo: This Executive Summary presents the key findings from the first Report (2021) of the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA). The Report is organized in three parts: current state, threats, and solutions, highlighting the Amazon Basin's important biological, biogeochemical, and physical features, as well as its social, cultural, political-historical, and economic aspects. The Panel is comprised of more than 200 scientists from across the region as well as global partners, and mobilized a broader network of scientists, communities, practitioners, and managers through workshops and webinars. Engaging multiple voices in the co-design and generation of knowledge is a hallmark of the SPA. The integration of distinct visions of the future of the Amazon is critical to developing common principles and values based on respecting nature's limits.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Folhetos

Unidade: Embrapa Acre


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