Research priorities and the future of alfalfa in Latin America.

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Resumo: Agro-food and agro-industrial systems in Latin America must anticipate future trends and ensure permanent adjustment of research priorities to the evolving global needs. Innovations should follow the logic of productive chains, which are highly dependent upon knowledge and technology. Agribusiness sector needs to reinvent itself for efficiently providing new products based on stricter quality controls, traceability, and greater diversification. In the region, alfalfa has an enormous potential to be cultivated for multiple purposes other than just animal products, going from pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry to human consumption. No single organization or isolated group of scientists hold alone the capacity to deal with increasingly complex and dynamic production systems in order to efficiently compete in a globalized market. These challenges require an interdisciplinary approach, not only to a domestic level but also to an international one. The present paper proposed the constitution of a virtual alfalfa network platform for articulating and guiding alfalfa research efforts in Latin America. The network will focus on identifying the most important needs for Latin America, promoting an active interaction among educational and scientific institutions through collaborative research projects. The platform comprises four main research axes: (1) efficient production (agronomy); (2) animal production (diversified feeds); (3) quality and innocuousness applied (human feeding); (4) novel products (pharmaceutical and cosmetics). During the initial phase, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA, Brazil) and National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA, Argentina) will jointly coordinate the network.

Ano de publicação: 2020

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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