Herbicides doses in the defoliation of common bean to anticipate mechanized harvesting.

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Autoria: SILVA, J. G. da; NASCENTE, A. S.; SARMENTO, P. H. L.

Resumo: Background: The use of desiccant herbicides can allow the anticipation of common bean harvesting by providing a reduction in the humidity of plants and grains. Objective: Determine the effect of doses of desiccant herbicides on the moisture content of the plants (stems, leaves and grains), in the 100 grains mass, grain yield and physiological quality of the seeds of two contrasting common bean cultivars. Methods: The experimental design for each cultivar (BRS FC 104, super early cycle, 60 days from sowing to harvesting and BRS Estilo, normal cycle, 90 days from sowing to harvesting) as in randomized blocks in the factorial scheme 4 x 3 x 4, with four replications. Treatments consisted of four herbicides (ammonium glufosinate (200 g L-1 of active ingredient, ai), glyphosate (480 g L -1 of acid equivalent), diquat (200 g L -1 of ai) and paraquat (200 g L-1 of ai), with three doses (200 g L-1, 400 g L-1 and 600 g L-1 of ai per ha for ammonium glufosinate, diquat and paraquat, and 480 g L -1, 960 g L-1 and 1,440 g L-1 of ae per ha for glyphosate) with evaluations of the variables at 0, 3, 5 and 7 days after application of the herbicide. Results: All desiccants used provided faster drying of the botanical structures allowing faster harvesting in relation to control plants. The dosage of 200 g L-1 of the ai ha¹ in the cultivar BRS FC 104 and 1,440 g L-1 of ae per ha for glyphosate and 600 g L -1 of ai per ha for the others dessicants in the cultivar BRS Estilo were those that provided best plant drying. The use of desiccants in plants of common bean did not affect crop grain yield. The dosage of 600 g L -1 of ai per ha of the ammonium glufosinate desiccant provided a reduction in vigor and normal seedlings and an increase in abnormal seedlings in the cultivar BRS FC 104. Conclusion: All desiccant herbicides used allowed anticipation of common bean harvesting.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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