Physical quality of soybean grains cultivated in integrated systems.

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Autoria: BOTELHO, F. M.; BEHLING, M.; SOUZA, Í. P. de; OLIVEIRA, T. S. G. de; SONNTAG, K. C.; BOTELHO, S. de C. C.

Resumo: Abstract: The integrated crop-livestock forestry system (ICLF) is a model of agricultural production that combines different activities in the same area, such as agriculture, livestock, and forestry. It aims at intensifying the use of land and enhancing the production of grains, wood, meat, milk, and other products, consciously and sustainably. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the integrated crop-livestock forestry system on the physical quality of cultivated soybeans integrated with eucalyptus. For this, we evaluated two treatments [integrated crop-livestock forestry system with single rows of trees (ICLF-S) and integrated crop-livestock forestry system with triple rows of trees (ICLF-T)] and the exclusive crop, used as evidence, in a randomized block design, with four replications. The physical quality of the soybeans was determined in terms of water content, the mass of a thousand grains, apparent specific mass, the electrical conductivity of the exudate solution, and color indices (Hue angle and chroma). There was no difference between the integrated systems and the exclusive crop in terms of water content, the electrical conductivity of the exudate solution, and color (Hue angle and chroma) of the grains. The ICLF increased the mass of a thousand grains and the apparent specific mass of soybeans.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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