Factors for the success of agricultural cooperatives in Brazil.

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Resumo: The Brazilian cooperative agribusiness is in a transitional phase. This moment is marked by the advancement of market globalisation, which has exerted great competitive pressure on national agribusiness. To survive and thrive in a globalised and fiercely competitive environment, cooperatives must face new challenges in the pursuit of competitiveness. This study aimed to identify and describe the main success or failure factors affecting agricultural cooperatives. To this end, bibliographic research was used as a research method, and 108 relevant works from the national and international literature were selected for analysis. The results pointed to the existence of 10 main success factors for agro-industrial cooperatives: conciliation of the dual agenda: social and economic goals; professionalisation of management; meeting the interests of multiple stakeholders; transaction cost management; risk and volatility management; improved commercialisation; competitiveness against traditional companies; technology adoption; sustainable development; and social responsibility. However, there is a gap regarding the existence of studies analysing, in an integrated manner, the prevalence and benefits of the success factors identified for agricultural cooperatives, especially those based in Brazil.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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