Sustainable rural development: productive experiences of Quilombola Costneira/Tronco community, municipality of Paquetá - Piauí.

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Autoria: SANTOS, L. G.; ARAUJO, J. L. P.

Resumo: Over many years, quilombola communities have been the target of social inequalities, victims of the exclusion process. However, they are symbols of struggles and persistence, which carry with them knowledge reproduced by their ascendants, which ensure the subsistence of their members without degrading sustainability. Thus, they are defined as ethnic-racial groups according to criteria of self-attribution, with their own historical trajectory, endowed with specific territorial relations, with presumption of related black ancestry. Thus, analyzing sustainable rural development from the productive experiences of the Custaneira/Tronco Community, located in the municipality of Paquetá, in the state of Piauí, made it possible to understand its particularities, consequently, also present ways followed by the community, aiming at greater awareness of socio-environmental causes.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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