Implementation of low-carbon technology in the Brazilian Amazon.

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Autoria: SILVEIRA, J. G. da; ASSAD, L. T.; OLIVEIRA NETO, S. N. de; BONET, M. S.; CANTO, A. C. B. do; CORDEIRO, F. R.; LEITE, F. F. G. D.; MUÑOZ, A. M.; SANTOS, R. R. dos; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.

Resumo: The Amazon biome still suffers from deforestation and the implementation of sustainable agricultural systems is important for the biome preservation, through the effect of saving land. Public policies and rural development projects allow training and dissemination of knowledge about production systems that bring benefits to producers and the environment. The Sustainable Rural Project promotes the implementation of low-carbon technologies in rural properties, allowing for better land management and preservation of biodiversity. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify the main low-carbon technologies that small and medium producers have implemented in the Amazon biome through the actions of the project. The supported technologies were: Agroforestry Systems (AFS); Recovery of Degraded Areas with Pasture (RDAP); Recovery of Degraded Areas with Forest (RDAF); Forest Planting (FP) and; Management of Native Forests (MNF). Thus, more than 1,600 rural producers were impacted on more than 20 thousand hectares in the biome. The main technology deployed was RDAP and the one of least interest was MNF and FP. It was observed that the majority of producers chose not to modify the land use and cover before the project, maintaining the activities that were already common on the property.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Solos


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