Unravelling the identity of pest thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of bananas (Musaceae) in Brazil.
Unravelling the identity of pest thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of bananas (Musaceae) in Brazil.
Autoria: SUTIL, W. P.; BARBOSA, R. B.; SANTOS, R. S.; FANCELLI, M.; LIMA, E. F. B.
Resumo: A total of eight species of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) have been listed as banana pests in Brazil. Their feeding and oviposition behaviour on these fruits damage their appearance in ways that can impair commercial value. As a result, taxonomic studies that seek to correctly identify thrips can positively impact the cultivation of bananas. Many earlier records of banana thrips in Brazil consist of doubtful identifications or untraceable reports. In this paper, the identification of these banana pests in Brazil is revised and an illustrated identification key is provided. The specimens examined were collected over a period of 10 years from the most representative banana-growing areas in Brazil. Seven banana thrips in Brazil are now recognised: Bradinothrips musae (Hood), Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton), Danothrips trifasciatus Sakimura, Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall), Frankliniella brevicaulis Hood, Frankliniella parvula Hood, and Hoodothrips lineatus (Hood). Chaetanaphothrips orchidii and Danothrips trifasciatus are recorded for the first time as causing damage to banana crops in Brazil. In addition, the following three species are considered misidentifications and should be disregarded as banana pests in Brazil: Frankliniella fulvipennis Moulton, Hercinothrips bicinctus (Bagnall), and Hercinothrips femoralis (Reuter).
Ano de publicação: 2022
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Acre
Palavras-chave: Banana, Brasil, Musa sp, Plagas de plantas, Plant pests, Praga de Planta, Thrips (Thripidae), Tripes
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