Physiological and agronomic performance of common bean treated with multifunctional microorganisms.
Physiological and agronomic performance of common bean treated with multifunctional microorganisms.
Autoria: REZENDE, C. C.; NASCENTE, A. S.; SILVA, M. A.; FRASCA, L. L. de M.; PIRES, R. A. C.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de; LANNA, A. C.; SILVA, J. F. A. e
Resumo: Multifunctional microorganisms (MM) are able of colonizing root system and shoots and then, provide beneficial effects to the plants. Thus, the objective of this study was test whether multifunctional microorganisms affect gas exchange, macronutrient content, yield components and bean grain yield. A completely randomized design with twenty-six treatments and three replications was used under controlled conditions. Treatments consisted of the application of MM and its combinations in pairs, with nine rhizobacteria isolates BRM 32109, BRM 32110 and 1301 (Bacillus sp.), BRM 32111 and BRM 32112 (Pseudomonas sp.), BRM 32113 (Burkholderia sp.), BRM 32114 (Serratia sp.), 1381 (Azospirillum sp.) and Ab-V5 (Azospirillum brasiliense), an edaphic fungal isolate T-26 (Trichoderma koningiopsis), and a control (without MM). The isolates Ab-V5 and BRM 32112, in addition to the combinations BRM 32114 + T-26, 1301 + BRM 32110 and BRM 32114 + BRM 32110 were the highlights treatments, since they provided increases in gas exchange, in the content of macronutrients and in the agronomic performance.
Ano de publicação: 2021
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
Palavras-chave: Bioagentes, Bioagents, Feijão, Microrganismo, Nutriente, Phaseolus Vulgaris, Trocas gasosas
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