Pluriactivity and multifunctionality of family farming in the lake region Janauacá, Careiro-AM.

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Autoria: ERAZO, R. de L.; SILVA, L. de J. de S.; PEREIRA, H. dos S.

Resumo: The Amazon is a region where family farming manifests itself in the most different ways: riverside, extraction and "quilombolas" (former slaves). Has been elaborated an analysis of the production systems of family units in the region of Lake Janauacá - Amazonas, with the aim of presenting a portrait of local family farming. To achieve the objectives proposed in this study, we proposed an investigation, an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory with a qualitative and quantitative trend. The method of non-probabilistic sampling by quotas (or groups) using the "snowball" type strategy. Data collection was carried out in August 2016. The diversity of local production systems was described qualitatively based on the field observations supported by the statements of the interviewees. It was noted that, among emporary cultures, most of it goes to the production of cassava, it is the raw material for the preparation of the "regional rubber" and the "farinha" (cassava flour) It was noted on a smaller scale for family consumption, fruitful, such as: fruit palm, orange, abia, lemon among other crops. The breeding of animals was also mentioned, mainly: cattle, turkey, ram, horse, duck, pig and chicken. Lacustrine river dynamics is an integral part of the life and culture of the inhabitants of Janauacá. Family agricultural production is diversified, resulting from the knowledge of the farmer in appropriating the different assets existing in the environmental system, as well as the recovery attributed to the variety of foods that make up the local diet.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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