Tannins in the diet for lactating goats from different genetic groups in the Brazilian semiarid: nitrogen, energy and water balance.
Tannins in the diet for lactating goats from different genetic groups in the Brazilian semiarid: nitrogen, energy and water balance.
Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate intake, milk production, nitrogen balance, energy balance, and water balance of lactating goats given diets with and without condensed tannin. Twenty-two multiparous, lactating goats, from three genotypes: 8 Saanen (49.05 ± 7.93 kg initial body weight; 1.38 kg milk/day), 8 Repartida (33.62 ± 1.92 kg initial body weight; 0.40 kg of milk/day) and 6 Canind´e (36.48 ± 5.79 kg initial body weight; 0.38 kg milk/day), with an average age of 5 years and 30 days of lactation, were distributed in a factorial arrangement of 3 (genetic groups) x 2 (diets - control and with the inclusion of 5% tannin, on a dry matter basis). The experimental period lasted 30 days, with 25 days for adaptation of animals and 5 days for data collection. There was an effect of the genetic group for the intake of crude protein (P = 0.001) and neutral detergent fiber (P = 0.009), milk yield (P = 0.002); contents of ingested N, absorbed N, excreted N in urine and N in milk (P < 0.05); gross energy (GE) ingested, GE lost in urine, GE of milk produced and GE lost in digestion gases (P < 0.05); digestible energy (P = 0.009) and metabolizable energy (P = 0.009); water intake via drinking fountain, water intake via food, total water intake, water absorbed, wate retained, water excretion via feces and water excretion via urine (P< 0.05). Tannin-added diets had greater excretion of water via feces (P = 0.003) and a higher concentration of retained water (P = 0.013). On the other hand, they provided a lower excretion of water via urine (P = 0.040) in relation to the control diet. There was an interaction effect between genetic groups and diets for the absorbed water: total water intake (P = 0.010) and retained water: total water intake (P = 0.010). In the experimental conditions, the inclusion of 5% CT in the diet for Repartida, Canind´e and Saanen dairy goats do not affect the intake of dry matter and nutrients, or milk production. Nevertheless, it increased the efficiency of water use by animals. The genetic group has influence on intake, and nitrogen, energy and water balances.
Ano de publicação: 2021
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Semiárido
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