Integrative taxonomy of a new species of Therodamas (Ergasilidae) infecting the Amazonian freshwater fsh Leporinus fasciatus (Anostomidae).

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Resumo: Crustaceans of the subclass Copepoda are an important component of the invertebrate aquatic fauna. They occur in all aquatic environments and include some representatives that are free-living organisms and others that have a parasitic lifestyle. The genus Therodamas comprises marine and freshwater copepods whose females are parasites of fish in their adult phase, with only seven species described so far. During a field survey of fish parasites in the Jari River, a large tributary of the Amazon River system, in Brazil, we found a new species of the genus Therodamas infecting Leporinus fasciatus. Therodamas longicollum n. sp. is the second strictly freshwater species known. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the new species is grouped in the family Ergasilidae, and divergence estimates showed that T. longicollum n. sp. diverged from its ancestor at around 66.34 Ma, in the late Upper Cretaceous. Therodamas longicollum n. sp. differs from its congeneric in that it does not have lobes and/or expansion of the anterior neck region. Besides describing a new Therodamas species, thereby increasing the diversity of the genus to eight species, this study points out the existence of a lineage of these copepods that has adapted to the freshwater environment of the Amazon. This study also corroborates the genus Therodamas as part of the family Ergasilidae.

Ano de publicação: 2021

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Amapa


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