Proportions of concentrate and rehydrated ground grain corn silage at different storage times for better use of starch by lambs.

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Autoria: GUIMARÃES, G. S.; AZEVEDO, J. A. G.; CAIRO, F. C.; SILVA, C. S. da; SOUZA, L. L.; NUNES, F. dos S.; CARVALHO, G. G. P. de; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; SILVA, R. R.

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional and bioeconomic potential of rehydrated ground grain corn silage (RGGCS), at different storage times associated with proportions of concentrates for better starch utilization by lambs. Forty Dorper- Santa Inês crossbred lambs were used, with an average body weight of 24 ± 3.9 kg, and an average age of 90 days. The lambs were feedlot for 63 days in experiment design completely randomized, with eight repetitions and five experimental diets: Diet 1: 850 g/kg concentrate including dry ground corn; diet 2: 850 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days; diet 3: 650 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 90 days; diet 4: 650 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days; diet 5: 850 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days. As roughage, silage corn whole plant. Starch intake was higher (P < 0.05) with the dry ground corn diet; however, digestibility was lower (P < 0.05) for most nutrients compared to the RGGCS diet. A smaller amount of starch in the feces of animals that received the RGGCS diet was found. A diet with 850 g/kg of concentrate, including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days, generates higher net income, increases nutrient intake, and could be an alternative during the fluctuation of corn prices.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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