Incremental innovation: analytical methods and Integrated techniques applied for biotechnological characterization of remaining fruit seeds in northern Brazil.

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Autoria: SOUSA, R. de C. P. de

Resumo: Brazil is a multi-diverse country, that is, it has great biological diversity, which has been gradually studied in higher education and research institutions in order to obtain greater knowledge and consequently provide more efficiently and effectively, products, processes for the market and even new methodologies. However, in some of these institutions, there is a certain difficulty, especially with regard to the first biotechnological studies related to the characterization of plant materials, some still unknown to researchers/students, which are necessary and require different methodologies that not always are possible to be applied in the same way as other institutions, such as those in the Midwest, South and Southeast. In this context, the objective was to define analytical methods and laboratory techniques to be integrated and applied sequentially, with incremental innovation, for biotechnological characterization of remaining seeds of fruits in the extreme north of Brazil, with a view to obtaining important knowledge, useful to scientists and researchers who envision the development of assets, processes and bioproducts of interest to society. Procedures were developed/adapted/adjusted to perform physical and physicochemical analyzes of mineral compounds, bioactives, pigments and verification of the main functional groups present in the remaining seed samples from a research carried out with the fruits of the Myrciaria dubia species. Based on the results obtained in the studies and analysis of M. dubia seed samples, it was verified that the analytical, classical and instrumental methods, and integrated techniques, when applied sequentially, provide scientists and researchers with important and unprecedented knowledge about the biotechnological characteristics of the remaining fruit seeds, as well as the development of assets that are beneficial to society.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Unidade: Embrapa Roraima


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