Territorial relations between deforestation and Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) in the Amazon biome using free software QGIS/PostgreSQL/PostGIS and Data Warehouse Structure.

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Autoria: BRASCO. M. A.; CARVALHO, C. A. de

Resumo: ABSTRACT - This work presents the use and integration of free software to organize a spatial database (part of a data warehouse) capable of performing spatial and numerical analyses on a set of spatial data from the Amazon biome (deforestation and Rural Environmental Registry - CAR). This work is part of a larger research project (Embrapa/Censipam) that addresses the use of strategic territorial intelligence to analyze deforestation processes in the Amazon biome. More specifically, this article deals with a part of the Data Warehouse construction that serves as the basis for the larger research project to work. The focus is on the spatial part of the data warehouse, proposing a free software structure to perform spatial analysis. As preliminary results, quantifications of deforestation by state and by municipalities are presented.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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