Management of the fertilization in Brazilian Savannas with phosphorus and potassium in the succession of soybean, millet and common bean irrigated with center-pivot system.

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Autoria: SILVEIRA, P. M. da; NASCENTE, A. S.; STONE, L. F.; CARVALHO, M. da C. S.

Resumo: In Brazilian Savannas (Cerrado), soil is managed in a sustainable way with built fertility and the demand for new fertilization will essentially involve the replacement of exported compounds through harvested products. The objective of this study is to improve criteria for fertilization with phosphorus and potassium in the soybean (summer)/millet (off-season)/irrigated common bean (winter) agricultural system. The study was carried out for three growing seasons under randomized blocks design with five treatments and five replications. The treatments consisted of T1= NPK common bean (recommended fertilization) + PK soybean (recommended fertilization); T2= NPK common bean (recommended fertilization) + soybean (without fertilization); T3= Common bean (without fertilization) + soybean PK (recommended fertilization); T4= NPK common bean (recommended fertilization) + P (amount exported by soybean) + soybean K (recommended fertilization); T5= NPK common bean (recommended fertilization) + P and K (amount exported by soybean) + soybean (without fertilization). The treatments T4 and T5 provided common bean and soybean yields (2945 and 4485 kg ha-1 and 2829 and 4412 kg ha-1, respectively) similar to the treatment T1 (2830 and 4353 kg ha-1 ), in which these crops received pre-fixed doses of recommended fertilization. It was necessary to make the fertilization only once in the year, and not in common bean and thereafter in soybean. We concluded that once there is no need to supply constant seeder with fertilizers for soybean, these treatments can be considered as fertilization management options in the soybean/millet/irrigated common bean agricultural system, which aims at greater operational profitability in planting activities.

Ano de publicação: 2022

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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