Enhanced mercury phytoremediation by Pseudomonodictys pantanalensis sp. nov. A73 and Westerdykella aquatica P71.

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Autoria: SENABIO, J. A.; PEREIRA, F. de C.; PIETRO-SOUZA, W.; SOUSA, T. F.; SILVA, G. F. da; SOARES, M. A.

Resumo: Mercury is a non-essential and toxic metal that induces toxicity in most organisms, but endophytic fungi can develop survival strategies to tolerate and respond to metal contaminants and other environmental stressors. The present study demonstrated the potential of mercury-resistant endophytic fungi in phytoremediation. We examined the functional traits involved in plant growth promotion, phytotoxicity mitigation, and mercury phytoremediation in seven fungi strains. The endophytic isolates synthesized the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid, secreted siderophores, and solubilized phosphate in vitro. Inoculation of maize (Zea mays) plants with endophytes increased plant growth attributes by up to 76.25%. The endophytic fungi stimulated mercury uptake from the substrate and promoted its accumulation in plant tissues (t test, p<0.05), preferentially in the roots, which thereby mitigated the impacts of metal phytotoxicity. Westerdykella aquatica P71 and the newly identifed species Pseudomonodictys pantanalensis nov. A73 were the isolates that presented the best phytoremediation potential. Assembling and annotation of P. pantanalensis A73 and W. aquatica P71 genomes resulted in genome sizes of 45.7 and 31.8 Mb that encoded 17,774 and 11,240 protein-coding genes, respectively. Some clusters of genes detected were involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites such as dimethylcoprogen (NRPS) and melanin (T1PKS), which are metal chelators with antioxidant activity; mercury resistance (merA and merR1); oxidative stress (PRX1 and TRX1); and plant growth promotion (trpS and iscU). Therefore, both fungi species are potential tools for the bioremediation of mercury-contaminated soils due to their ability to reduce phytotoxicity and assist phytoremediation.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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