Production of single assai palm, Euterpe precatoria Mart., seedlings subjected to nitrogen and potassium doses.

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Autoria: BUTZKE, A. G.; BRITO, R. S. de; ANDRADE NETO, R. de C.; LUNZ, A. M. P.; FIUZA, S. da S.

Resumo: Given the importance that the species Euterpe precatoria exerts on the market, tied to a few studies referring to the initial phase of the crop, the objective was to evaluate the production of seedlings of single assai palm (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) submitted to increasing doses of nitrogen and potassium. The seedlings were arranged in a randomized block design in a 5x5 factorial scheme. The first factor comprised nitrogen doses (0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 mg dm-3 of N) and the second potassium (0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 mg dm-3 of K), applied in installments, 20, 40 and 40%. Plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), and the number of active leaves (NL) were evaluated at 90, 180, 240, and 300 days after pricking out, as well as ideal installment scans using the data obtained. Evaluations of the dry mass of the stipe (EDM), leaf (LDM), shoots (SDM), root (RDM), and total (TDM) were also evaluated at 300 days after pricking out, and the relationship between PH/SD and SDM/TDM was established. The data were submitted to univariate analysis and regression analysis. It was observed that the interaction between N x K was not significant, thus presenting the isolated effect of both. It was concluded that the K doses influence the stem diameter at 180 and 240 days and the PH/SD ratio. N presents increasing linear responses in almost all variables except PH/SD, and N split in the proportions of 30%, 30% and 40% for seedling production up to 300 days after pricking out is recommended.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Acre


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