Diversity, genetic structure and core collection of mangaba (Hancornia speciosa) genebank.

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Autoria: SILVA, A. V. C. da; GOIS, I. B.; SOARES, A. N. R.; LEDO, A. da S.

Resumo: This work was developed with the objective of characterizing the variability and genetic structure of matrices and progenies of the Mangaba genebank of Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, to defne a core collection. From the matrix of seven accessions, 289 individuals were generated, evaluated by nine SSR markers. The characterization of genetic variability was performed from the estimates: average number of alleles observed (Na=5.63) and efective (Ne=2.71); Shannon Information Index (I=1.04); Heterozygosity observed (Ho=0.45) and expected (He=0.51); Fixation index (f=0.13); Percent polymorphism (%P=90.47); and, Number of private alleles (Nap=20). The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) identifed that the largest proportion of genetic variation is present within accessions (92%). The estimates of genetic diferentiation (GST and RST) were considered low (<0.05) to moderate (0.05–0.15) magnitude. Multivariate analyses (PCoA, Rogers and Bayesian genetic diversity) did not discriminate the accessions according to origin. The formation of the core collection allowed retaining 94.9% of the identifed alleles. The accessions present genetic variability to be explored in mangaba conservation and genetic improvement programs. In the future data related to agronomic and morphological characterization should be used to support the formation of this core collection, since the combination of this information contributes to the design of more efcient strategies for the use of this genetic resource.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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