Is magnesium deficiency the major cause of needle chlorosis of Pinus taeda in Brazil?

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Autoria: MOTTA, A. C. V.; MAEDA, S.; RODRIGUES, V. dos S. dos S.; ERCOLE, T. M.; PRIOR, S. A.; BRUMAT, A. E. L.; MOURA, A. P. C.; BARBOSA, J. Z.; GOMES, J. B. V.

Resumo: Abstract Needle chlorosis (NC) in Pinus taeda L. systems in Brazil becomes more frequent after second and third harvest rotation cycles. In a study to identify factors contribut- ing to yellowing needle chorosis (YNC), trees were grown in soils originating from contrasting parent materials, and soils and needles (whole, green and chlorotic portions) from 1- and 2-year-old branches and the first and second needle flush release at four sites with YNC on P. taeda were analyzed for various elements and properties. All soils had very low base levels (Ca2+ , Mg2+ and K+) and P, suggesting a possible lack of multiple elements. YNC symptoms started at needle tips, then extended toward the needle base with time. First flush needles had longer portions with YNC than second flush needles did. Needles from the lower crown also had more symptoms along their length than those higher in the canopy. Symptoms were similar to those reported for Mg. In chlorotic portions, Mg and Ca concentrations were well below critical values; in particular, Mg levels were only one third of the critical value of 0.3 g kg ?1 . Collectively, results suggest that Mg deficiency is the primary reason for NC of P. taeda in various parent soils in Brazil.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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