Qualitative evaluation of total mixed ration silage containing forage cactus and guinea grass as a nutritional alternative for feedlot-finished sheep.

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Autoria: SÁ, W. C. C. dos S.; SANTOS, E. M.; OLIVEIRA, J. S. de; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; PERAZZO, A. F; PEREIRA, D. M.; SANTOS, F. N. de S.; MACÊDO, A. J. da S.; CRUZ, G. F. de L.; CORRÊA, Y. R.; PEREIRA, G. A.; CESAR NETO, J. M.; ALVES, J. P.

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the fermentation characteristics,microbial populations, losses, aerobic stability and chemicalcomposition of total mixed ration based on forage cactus anddifferent ratios of Guinea grass at four storage times (7, 15, 60and 100 days). Five diets were formulated with forage cactus asthe main ingredient, with varying Guinea grass inclusion ratios: 0,10, 20, 25 and 30% on a dry matter basis. The experimentaldesign used was a completely randomised design with a factorialarrangement and three replicates. The silages had pH values ofapproximately 4.0. Lactic acid bacteria were predominant in allsilages, and this predominance increased after 7 days of ensilingin all diets, ranging from 8.0–10.1 log10 cfu g?1of silage. Silageswith 10% and 20% guinea grass showed aerobic deterioration,while the others remained stable throughout the aerobic stabilitytest. Guinea grass in combination with forage cactus can beadded in total mixed ration silages up to a level of 30%, withoutcompromising the chemical composition, silage losses orfermentative profile. However, considering aerobic stability, theaddition of 10% and 20% guinea grass resulted in greaterdeterioration after 48 h of exposure to air.

Ano de publicação: 2023

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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