Practices for no-tillage in an improved cerrado area: emergence, survival and initial growth of forest species.
Practices for no-tillage in an improved cerrado area: emergence, survival and initial growth of forest species.
Autoria: GIANLUPPI, D.; SMIDERLE, O. J.; SOUZA, A. das G.; MAIA, S. da S.
Resumo: Considering that research on survival and growth of forest species via no-tillage in the improved cerrado of Roraima is still scarce, this research adds information to this technique with six forest species regarding emergence, survival and increase in height and diameter of plants over 18 months. In view of the above, the objective was to indicate procedures for direct sowing of tree forest species (pau-rainha, maçaranduba, freijó,jatobá, itaúba and African mahogany) in a cerrado area of Roraima, with the use of shrubby legumes, as a way to dispense with the formation and management of seedlings in nursery and allow the establishment of forest plantations with reduced costs.
Ano de publicação: 2023
Tipo de publicação: Parte de livro (capítulos de livros, trabalhos e resumos publicados em anais ou em coletâneas)
Unidade: Embrapa Roraima
Palavras-chave: African mahogany, Exotic specie, Freijó, Itaúba, Jatobá, Maçaranduba, Native specie, Pau-rainha
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