Soil management shapes bacterial and archaeal communities in soybean rhizosphere: Comparison of no-tillage and integrated crop-livestock systems.

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Autoria: COSTA, R. M.; COSTA, M. K. L.; ROCHA, S. M. B.; LEITE, M. R. L.; ALCANTARA NETO, F. de; SOUZA, H. A. de; PEREIRA, A. P. de A.; MELO, V. M. M.; MEDEIROS, E. V. de; MENDES, L. W.; ARAUJO, A. S. F.

Resumo: Sustainable agricultural systems play a crucial role in improving soil properties and enhancing crop yields. Particularly for soybean, a vital agricultural commodity, no-tillage (NT) and integrated crop-livestock (ICL) systems have been employed in tropical regions. Despite the recognized benefits of using NT and ICL, there is a significant knowledge gap regarding their impact on the rhizosphere microbiome of soybean. Therefore, this field study aimed to explore and compare the responses of the bacterial and archaeal communities within the soybean rhizosphere in both NT and ICL systems.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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