Unraveling the antifungal composition of bitter orange decoction against the melon pathogen Fusarium jinanense .

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Autoria: FREITAS, M. D. de; LIMA JUNIOR, R. D.; SILVA, F. E. F. da; INOKUTI, E. M.; OSTER, A. H.; ZAMPIERI, D.; LIMA, C. S.; FILL, T. P.; LEMOS, T. L. G. de

Resumo: Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) is an important source of essential oils with high antimicrobial activities, however the composition and antifungal potential of the decoction peels is little explored. This study assessed the peel decoction’s chemical profile at the secondary metabolism level and its antifungal activity against the melon phytopathogen Fusarium jinanense. The decoction’s antifungal potential was investigated using a bioassay-guided fractionation approach based on Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) and LC-HRMS/MS analysis. Coumarins and flavones were the most abundant classes of compounds in the high-value fractions responsible for up to 61% of the mycelial inhibition of F. jinanense. Overall, this study has presented for the first time the chemical composition, the antifungal potential of the decoction of C. aurantium peels and the compounds associated with these results. This strategy can guide the exploration of under-explored food sources and add value to compounds or fractions enriched with bioactive compounds.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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