A novel method for ultra-fast determination of phenolics with performance comparable to UPLC/DAD: method development and validation on analysis of seedless table grapes.

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Autoria: LIMA, M dos S.; DANTAS, B. S.; CARVALHO, A. J. de B. A.; PEREIRA, G. E.; PIMENTEL, T. C.; MAGNANI, M.

Resumo: Grapes are well-known for the rich content of phenolics with benefits for human health. The reliable identification of phenolics in grapes is essential to explore the related bioactivity, highlighting the value of the grape source. In this work, an ultra-fast method for determining phenolic compounds in HPLC-DAD using a Rapid Resolution High Throughput-RRHT column (RP-C18 4.6 x 50 mm, 1.8 µm) was developed and validated and nine seedless table grapes produced in the São Francisco Valley, Brazil were analyzed. The method showed good sensitivity (LOD? 0.65 mg/L and LOQ< 1.12 mg/L), high linearity (R2 > 0.998), selectivity, precision (CV%< 6.82). The recovery (81.5- 105.6%) was adequate for the desired purpose. A total of 41 phenolics were separated in 20 min, rending a resolution equivalent to UPLC-DAD. Thirty-four phenolics were quantified in grapes, including eight phenolic acids, two stilbenes, one phenolic aldehyde, three isoflavones, four flavanols, three proanthocyanidins, five flavonols, and eight anthocyanins. Patented grapes presented a high content of mono glucoside anthocyanins. Brazilian registered grapes presented high anthocyanin content and the presence of 3,5- diglucoside anthocyanins. The validated method is an alternative for rapid identification of phenolics and maybe useful to stablish procedures for identifying compounds in determining the markers in fruit.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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