Performance of alternative magnesium sources for phosphorus recovery by struvite precipitation.
Performance of alternative magnesium sources for phosphorus recovery by struvite precipitation.
Autoria: FREIRE, P. M. L. de A.; SILVA, R. L.; CAMPOS, D. V. B. de; INACIO, C. de T.
Resumo: Struvite (NH4 MgPO4 ?6H2O) is a slow-release fertilizer obtained through phosphorus and/or nitrogen recovery from wastewaters, usually by adding magnesium salts. In this sense, the aim was to evaluate the viability of replacing commercial magnesium sources with alternative ones in the struvite precipitation process regarding ammonium and phosphate removal and precipitated crystal quantification and characterization. Experiments were conducted on a bench scale in a completely randomized design at pH 9.5 by precipitation of synthetic wastewater solution with four magnesium sources: MgCl2 ?6H 2 O, MgSO 4 ?7H 2 O, MgO, and magnesite (MgCO3 ). After pre- acidification, derived solutions from low-cost alternative sources of magnesium removed above 55 and 90% of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate in solution, respectively, and reached around 10 g L-1 of precipitated crystals. Results proximity obtained with solutions derived from commercial sources of magnesium (46?56% of ammonium nitrogen removal, 97% of phosphate removal, and more than 6 g L-1 of precipitate formed) indicated that alternative reagents could easily substitute commercial ones if submitted to the previous digestion process, making magnesium available in solution. Qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction confirmed the presence of both struvite and newberyite in most precipitates.
Ano de publicação: 2025
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Solos
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