Public perception of folate?biofortifed genetically modifed lettuce varieties in Brazil.

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Autoria: CIPRIANO, T. de M.; PEDROSO, M. T. M.; NUNES, I. A. de P.; QUEIROZ, L. N.; ARAGÃO, F. J. L.

Resumo: Lettuce is one of the most widely consumed vegetables in the world, commonly eaten fresh in salads, sandwiches, wraps, and as a garnish in various dishes. Consequently, it is a very promising vehicle to deliver vitamins, such as folate (vitamin B9), to a specifc population using biofortifed varieties generated by conventional or molecular breeding. A new genetically modifed lettuce was generated with increased folate content. However, some issues related to public perception regarding this technology should still be evaluated. The aim of this study was to analyze whether consumers are willing to accept a folate-biofortifed GM lettuce that could become available to the Brazilian market. A questionnaire involving several issues regarding lettuce consumption was answered by 2,391 people from almost all Brazilian states. When informed that the folic acid biofortifed lettuce is a transgenic plant, 46.1% of respondents stated that they would eat it and 30.5% stated that it would be a possibility. This study demonstrated that if there is any explanation regarding the advantage in relation to the use of biotechnology, like enrichment with folic acid, the number of people who accept it increases.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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