Contaminação por fumonisinas em milho: proposta de análise de risco com base nas características física dos grãos

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Resumo: The relationship between physical characteristics and fumonisin levels can provide a method for estimating the risk of contamination by these toxins in maize. To test this hypothesis, 212 corn samples obtained in four harvests were evaluated. The samples were evaluated to determine the bulk density (kg m-3), the percentage of damaged grains, and the total fumonisin levels (µg kg-1). The total number of damaged grains showed a negative and significant correlation with the apparent density, demonstrating a tendency to reduce the density with increasing number of damaged grains. The apparent density showed a negative and significant correlation with the total fumonisin level, while the total number of damaged grains showed the opposite correlation with the fumonisin levels. From the observed results, a trend can be seen in the relationship between physical characteristics and fumonisin contamination in corn samples.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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