Water management interventions, organic fertilization, and harvest time in dry land in the biosaline production of cactus pear.
Water management interventions, organic fertilization, and harvest time in dry land in the biosaline production of cactus pear.
Autoria: NUNES, T. C. M. D.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; SILVA, T. G. F. da; VOLTOLINI, T. V.; GOIS, G. C.; ARAÚJO, C. de A.; ZANINE, A. de M.; FERREIRA, D. de J.; PEREIRA, D. M.; SANTOS, F. N. de S.; PARENTE, H. N.; TURCO, S. H. N.; PARENTE, M. de O. M.; CAMPOS, F. S.
Resumo: Brackish water can promote physicochemical changes in the soil. Aiming to mitigate the effect of excess salts in the soil, the use of organic matter promotes restructuring. The aim was to evaluate the productive and nutritional characteristics of cactus pear under different brackish water depths (ID) and levels of organic matter (OM). A factorial arrangement of 4 × 4 × 4 with four replications was utilized. Plots consisted of ID (0, 12, 20, and 28% reference evapotranspiration—ETo), and subplots were composed of OM levels (0, 15, 30, and 45 t/ha) and days after planting (DAP; 180, 270, 360, and 450 days). The growth, yield, and chemical composition of cactus pear were affected by ID and OM and/or by their interaction. The regular and increasing application of ID from 192 to 456 mm/year and a rainfall of 110 mm/year in cactus pear crops in biosaline systems improves the growth, freshness, dry matter yields, accumulation capacity per unit area, and chemical composition of cactus pear. The increase in OMup to the range from30 to 45Mg/ha linearly increases the agronomic performance of cactus pear. Biosaline systems with cactus pear should be adopted with the combined use of regular supplementary ID and OM, measuring at 304 mm/year and 45Mg/ha, respectively
Ano de publicação: 2024
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Semiárido
Palavras-chave: Agricultura biosalina, Cacto, Gestão de água, Matéria Orgânica, Palma Forrageira, Pêra-Cacto, Solo, Água Salobra
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