Development of HPLC method for a fungal antagonist.

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Resumo: Fungi are considered promising sources in terms of biotechnological potential; they have symbiotic associations that can be considered beneficial or not. The association of fungi with plants is still little explored, including fungi having the ability to benefit the plant by producing secondary metabolites. In the search for new techniques to study microorganisms, it is of great importance to add HPLC, seeking efficient and faster processes. Thus, this research aimed to perform a chemical prospecting study of the fungal antagonistic, carrying out comparative studies between two culture mediums, Potato dextrose in one and yeast extract, peptone and glucose in the other, studying their behavior and seeking to characterize the compound(s) through extraction with ethyl acetate and as the mobile phase water plus trifluoroacetic acid (0.5%) and acetonitrile plus trifluoroacetic acid (0.5%) were used as solvents. The fungal antagonist used was cultivated in PD broth for seven days at 25°C in a shaker rotating at 150 rpm. After extraction, it was possible to observe that the fungus evaluated presented three major substances with retention times of 11 min, 16.9 min and 19 min. This result demonstrated the importance of the fungal antagonist as a promising source of bioactive molecules.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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