Water stress alters growth and fruit uniformity of arabica coffee genotypes in the Brazilian Cerrado.

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Autoria: SILVA, P. C. da; RIBEIRO JUNIOR, W. Q.; RAMOS, M. L. G.; ROCHA, O. C.; VEIGA, A. D.; SILVA, N. H.; BRASILEIRO, L. de O.

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the impact and duration of water stress on coffee growth, grain yield, and uniformity. The experiment was set up on Apr 2015 with water regimes denominated as follows: year-round irrigation with total water replacement (FI 100) and year-round irrigation with a 50 % reduction in total water replacement (FI 50); irrigation with application of water deficit from Apr to Sept with total water replacement (WD1 100) and irrigation with application of water deficit from Apr to Sept with 50 % of total water replacement (WD1 50); irrigation with application of water deficit from June to Sept with total water replacement (WD2 100), irrigation with application of water deficit from June to Sept with 50 % of total water replacement (WD2 50), and rainfed. A mechanized irrigation mobile Lateral Line sprinkler system was used. Irrigation management criterion was based on the climatological water balance and crop coefficients. Morphological variables, productivity, and fruit uniformity were evaluated. The growth variables had higher responses to water deficit treatment, with the highest reductions being recorded in rainfed treatments. The average productivity of the coffee tree in 2019 ranged from 14 to 120 bags ha–1. Even under low water availability, Iapar 59 was the most productive genotype, and E237 was the least productive genotype. Long periods of stress and 50 % reduction in water availability reduced plant productivity. Thus, the use of irrigation to complement rainfall is essential to the sustainability of coffee production systems in the Cerrado.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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