Use of Conyza canadensis L. extracts as biostimulant in Cyclamen persicum Mill.

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Autoria: BATISTA, E. R.; MAY, A.; PROCOPIO, S. de O.; ASSALIN, M. R.; QUEVEDO, H. D.; BINHARDI, N.; QUEIROZ, S. C. do N. de

Resumo: Abstract: Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.) is an ornamental plant that is highly susceptible to pathogens, requiring high amounts of phytosanitary products. Therefore, the development of more sustainable alternatives has been required. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of C. canadensis root extract (aqueous and with dichloromethane) applied via foliar or soil, in C. persicum, on gas exchange and the SPAD index and on the biomass of cyclamen. The aqueous extract treatment increased net CO2 assimilation, the transpiration rates, and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. The water use efficiency values were reduced in the treatments with both extracts. The greatest increases in the SPAD index were provided by the aqueous extract. The cyclamens that received the aqueous extract applied in soil or the dichloromethane extract applied in leaves showed an increase in total biomass and number of leaves. To identify the compounds present in the extracts, CG-MS and LC-MS/MS analyses were performed. The positive effects obtained indicated a high biostimulant effect of C. Canadensis. Thus, the root extracts of C. Canadensis, particularly the aqueous extracts, have the potential to be used to reduce the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, promoting agroecological practices and contributing to sustainable agriculture.

Ano de publicação: 2024

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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