Pre-breeding in the watermelon germplasm bank of the Northeast of Brazil.
Pre-breeding in the watermelon germplasm bank of the Northeast of Brazil.
Autoria: QUEIROZ, M. A. de; SILVA, M. L.; SILVEIRA, L. M.; DIAS, R. de C. S.; FERREIRA, M. A. J. F.; RAMOS, S. R. R.; ROMÃO, R. L.; ASSIS, J. G. A.; SOUZA, F. F.; MOURA, M. C. C. L.
Resumo: The use of germplasm fram genc banks is limitcd and there is great concern in lhe scientific community about this problcm. Ounce in lhe management of a germplasm bank lhe accessions can be studied in any of ns differenl phases. this approach h as been followed at lhe waterrnel on germplasm bank as a strategy to increase lhe use of lhe accessions in breeding programmes to impr o ve the watermelon crop. Therefore , during the seed multiplication and characterization in field trials. both plant and fruit characters were recorded. 11 was found gcnetic variability for several de sc r iptor s used. In a multivariatc analysis ir was found nine dif'Ierent groups, ahhough one group comprised around 68% of lhe accessions. It is expected that molecular mark e rs e.g. RAPD or AFLP. help in the establishment 01" a core collection for waterrnelon. In another e xperiment. some accessions were cvuluatcd against PRSV-w. WMV-2 and ZYMV. using ELlSA te st. It was found po te nt ia l re si stunt plants for the three viruses which wcre transplanted to get selfed and crossed seeds. The resulting progenies and segregating populations could bc analyzed using molecular tools. Past experiments re vea led agronomic traits (powdery mi ldcw rc s ist ance . prolificucy and small fru it s ) which were intro gre s sed into commercial backgrounds to obtain lines and hybrid combinations of different ploidy le vels and fruit patterns. With this approach around 8-1'70 of the accessions of the waterrnclon genc bank we re used.
Ano de publicação: 2004
Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Unidade: Embrapa Semiárido
Palavras-chave: Banco de Germoplasma, Citrullus Lanatus, Cultivo, Manejo, Melancia, Recurso Genético
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