Impact assessment system for technological innovation: INOVA-tech system.

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Autoria: HITZSCHKY, K. R. e de J.

Resumo: Technology impact assessment may be a helpful tool in the decision-making process. The present work suggests a method to evaluate the impact of technological innovation, providing information organized according to criteria and indicators in several areas where the innovation can be perceived, focusing the complexity of the innovation under investigation. The method consists of a system that allows the analysis of: i) the innovation range starting from the generation of the significance index, and ii) the assessment of the innovation performance through the analysis of the performance indicators which will compose the magnitude index. This system has a support tool, the software ?INOVA-tec System v 1.0?, with information shown as a guide to allow a well-informed and a well-based evaluation. The INOVA-tec System enables the reduction of the subjectivity of evaluation as a guide to indicators that should be analyzed and the components that may have some importance in the assessment.

Ano de publicação: 2007

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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