Study of the interaction genotypes x environments in the selection process of upland rice.

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Autoria: MELO, P. G. S.; MELO, L. C.; SOARES, A. A.; LIMA, L. M. de; REIS, M. de S.; JULIATTI, F. C.; CORNÉLIO, V. M. O.

Resumo: The objectives of this study were the investigation of the interactions between upland rice lines/cultivars x planting system, years and locations. The experiments were conducted in the agricultural years of 2001/02 and 2002/03 in Lavras, Uberlandia and Patrocinio in the state of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil, in two planting systems: conventional and no-tillage. The treatments were 20 lines/cultivars and the evaluated traits were: plant height, flowering date, grain yield and disease incidence. The absence genotype x system interaction of grain yield indicated that cultivars recommended for sowing traditional can be utilized in the no-tillage system. The interactions genotypes x locations and genotypes x years were significant. The Cruz methodology indicated that cultivar Caiapo presented adaptation in unfavourable environments and the line CNAs 8983 showed response in the environment improvement. The Annicchiarico methodology showed that Guarani and CNAs 8989 were the most stable.

Ano de publicação: 2005

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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