Selection aiming at upright growth habit common bean with carioca type grains.

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Autoria: CUNHA, W. G. da; RAMALHO, M. A. P.; ABREU, A. de F. B.

Resumo: Aiming at common bean lines with a high grain yield, upright growth habit and carioca type grains, ten common bean lines were crossed in a diallel scheme. The resulting populations were evaluated as to their capacity of generating superior lines. Eleven of the 42 evaluated populations were chosen to form the base population (S0) of the first cycle (C-0). The resultant families were evaluated up to the S0:5 generation for yield, plant architecture and grain type. In this generation, a total of 14 families was evaluated with two controls to estimate the genetic gain considering the three traits of interest together. The obtained genetic gain was 3.1% after one selection cycle, confirming the efficiency of the realized selection. The estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters in the different generations associated to the mean family performance allow a prediction of the success of recurrent selection in future cycles.

Ano de publicação: 2005

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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