Potential adoption and impact of Embrapa 5.1 GM common bean for small and middle size farms in Brazil.

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Autoria: WANDER, A. E.; CHAVES, M. O.; GONZAGA, A. C. de O.

Resumo: In September 15, 2011, an official Brazilian authority institution approbated the commercial release of the first trait of genetically modified common beans. This trait represents a milestone in genetically modified organisms (GMO), since this is the first GM trait developed by public research in Brazil, supported exclusively by public fundings, and whose focus is on a crop that is grown mainly by small and medium size farms in Brazil. The 'Embrapa 5.1' GM trait incorporates a genetic resistance against the BGMV. In order to obtain the GM varieties, the Embrapa 5.1 trait must be incorporated into breeding lines. Now, the unsuitable areas highly infested by the white fly may become suitable again for growing dry beans. The first seeds of GM bean varieties are expected to be available to farmers in Brazil by 2015.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings


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