Management of a prociciency testinf for animal nutrition laboratories.
Management of a prociciency testinf for animal nutrition laboratories.
Resumo: An interlaboratory program has been conducted for the comparison of results provided by laboratories that perform feed analyses of animal nutrition carried out by the Embrapa Cattle-Southeasta, Brazilian Agricultural ResearchO rganization. The program structure and normalizationa re accomplishedi n accordancew ith the ABNT ISO/IEC GUIA 43 roles and with the harmonized international protocol of proficiency assays in analytical laboratories. AlI steps, from data acquisition to furnished the results, are controlled by a website, by using a dedicate program especially developed to bank of data controlo Nowadays, 44 laboratories,p rovided from Universities, govemmentalr esearchc enters, and private companies, representing alI the Brazilian regions, have been participating of the programo The essays foreseen by the program are the normally carried out by animal nutrition laboratories in animal feeds and mineral supplements, such as determination of dry matter, in vitro digestibility, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crode protein, ether extract, lignin, ash and macro- and micronutrients (Ca, P, Mg, K, S, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Na). Four turns of the program is yearly performed, each two months, and each parcel is composed by three different kinds of animal feed and mineral supplements. The statistical project employed to evaluate the laboratories scores is based on the roles recommended by the ABNT ISO/IEC GUIA 43-1, and the score z is adopted. For the values designatese valuation, median and robust standardd eviation, the consensusv alues based on the results provided by the participants are considered. Another proposition is to prepare and validate non certified reference materiaIs that could be used as internal quality control by the participants of the programo This work presents the experience in coordinatingt he intercomparison exercise.
Ano de publicação: 2008
Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Unidade: Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste
Palavras-chave: Proficienct testing
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