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Autoria: GUIMARAES, D. P.; LANDAU, E. C.; COSTA, T. C. e C. da

Resumo: The Brazilian Geodetic Network is being modified to the geocentric system since the creation of SIRGAS (Geocentric Reference System for South America), a system identical to WGS 84 (Wor/d Geodetic System /984). The availability of digital elevation models of mission SRTM (Shutt/e Radar Topography Mission) represent an important reference for the generation of standardized topographic bases of low cost in a geocentric system. The agricultural activity is closely related to relief characteristics, and the existence of a standardized base in a scale compatible with the agricultural use is fundamental for better utilization of the rural space. From SRTM information, data bases were generated including levei contours lines, slope and solar exposition for ali Brazilian municipalities. The levei contours, with 20 m intervals, may be visualized with SIGs or directly with Goog/e Earth. Thematic maps of slope present gradients of susceptibility to soil erosion (tlat, light undulated, moderàte undulate, undulate, very undulate and steep) and slope limitations for mechanized agriculture (12% and 18% slope). The solar exposition of the terrain presents the directions of the predominant cardinal points. The maps generated in this study represent a standardized cartographic base. This work represent an evolution in relation to previous topographical databases, allowing its access by everyone, and representing a major subsidy for the development of appropriate strategies to use and/or management of land in Brazil, including sustainable development.

Ano de publicação: 2009

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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