Leaf mineral status and bud fertility of 'Centenial Seedless' grapevines.

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Autoria: BOTELHO, R. V.; PIRES, E. J. P.; TERRA, M. M.; MIELE, A.; MÜLLER, M. M. L.; POTT, C. A.

Resumo: Twelve vineyards of cv 'Centennial Seedless' (v. vinifera L.) were chosen for leaf (Iamina + petiole), lamina and petiole mineral analysis, over a two year period, in lales, São Paulo State, Brazil. Twenty vine canes from each vineyard were sampled for bud fertility evaluation using a stereomicroscope. The relationship between bud fertility or bud necrosis and mineral contents were investigated. The correlations determined were weak when other factors were involved in bud fertility, such as temperature, light, shoot vigor and water deficiency. Nitrogen and potassium contents showed an inverse relationship with the percentage of bud necrosis. Iron and boron contents presented a quadratic relationship between the percentage of fertile buds and the percentage of bud necrosis. The possible involvement of these elements in root growth and, therefore, in cytokinin biosynthesis, could explain their influence on floral stimulus. (Bulletin 0.1.V., 2005, vol. 78, n? 897-898, pp. 737-749).

Ano de publicação: 2005

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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